Bayave GmbH is an internationally operating, Germany-based, software training, services, consulting, and advisory firm.

Workshops and Training

Best-in-class corporate strategy workshops and compliance training on open source.

Open source license compliance

Learn how to streamline license compliance of projects and products that contain open-source code! Critical skills and knowledge for everyone involved with open-source software.

Open source business strategy

Learn how open source affects your business and develop an open source strategy for your organization! For decision makers in all industries and those consulting to them.

Structured Services

Competitively priced open source license clearing and due diligence services.

Software composition analysis

We take stock and create a software bill of materials of your code base! For everyone who wants to program new functions, not clean up legal debt.

Open source due diligence

We find and help resolve intellectual property challenges resulting from open-source code! For use in mergers & acquisitions, intellectual property cleanups, and related activities.

Consulting and Advisory

Consulting and advisory services on open source, inner source, and product strategy.

Short to mid-term consulting

Use our expertise to solve your business challenges! For companies from all industries who want to use the power of open source (or need to defend against it).

Long-term advisory services

We provide long-term advisory services for commercial open source firms and everyone who uses open source as a strategy to achieve business goals.